Printed Treasures Iron-On Inkjet Printable Fabric 3 ct
Packet includes 3 - 8.5 inch x 11 inch (216mm x 279mm) sheets. Iron-On fabric sheets work with any inkjet printer or inkjet copier and are fusible - colorfast and washable. Iron-on Fabric Sheets can be bonded to any porous - heat resistant surface such as fabric - wood - cardboard - card stock - etc. Ideal for printing photos- patterns- images or designs of any type. Perfect for apparel and accessories or general craft projects. Decorate clothing- hand bags- home decor- quilts or any item you want to personalize.
Item Number: IT-100
Barcode Number: 015961262671
1. On your computer - prepare image to be printed. 2. Set printing parameters at BEST for the print quality and PLAIN PAPER for the paper type. (TIP: We recommend you use standard inkjet color inks rather than special photo inks. Photo inks are designed for best results on glossy photo paper and will not yield vibrant images on Printed Treasures®.) 3. Print first on regular printer paper to test ink coverage - image clarity - size and placement. 4. Cut (do not pull) any loose threads from the edges of the fabric sheet. 5. Load fabric sheet in printer tray so image prints on fabric side. Follow your printer's directions for loading instructions. 6. Print image. 7. Allow ink to dry completely - approximately one minute. 8. Trim printed image to desired shape.(TIP: Images with rounded corners are less likely to peel up on the edges after washing.) 9. Slowly peel paper backing from printed image. 10. Preheat your iron using the WOOL setting - but do not use steam.(TIP: Empty the water reservoir in your iron before heating it up to be sure no steam is used.) 11. Select a hard - smooth - heat resistant ironing surface. Protect the ironing surface with a pillowcase or folded sheet. (TIP: Do not use an ironing board or a terry towel- padded surfaces result in a poor bond.)12. If you are fusing your image to a t-shirt or other fabric surface - place it on the ironing surface and iron out all wrinkles before continuing to step 13. 13. Position printed image (image side up) on project face as you wish it to appear upon completion. 14. Pressing firmly and evenly - move the iron slowly back and forth over the image surface - making sure that all edges of the image have been ironed and the image is completely adhered. (Approximately 30 seconds total.) 15. Allow image to cool completely before moving. Care for your finished products: As needed - hand wash or launder in cold water using the gentle cycle and a mild liquid detergent. Air dry or machine dry using low heat. If your image begins to peel away after repeated washings - it can be re-bonded by repeating steps 11-14 in the application instructions. For best results - turn finished product inside out before washing.